R Madhavan’s latest Netflix film with Surveen Chawla Decoupled has been receiving positive reviews for its fresh and quirky story. The actor plays the character of one of the bestselling authors, who is always in competition with Chetan Bhagat, who plays himself. Recently the two had a Twitter spat which turned out to be a gimmick for the latest release.
The friendly exchange between the two started when the streaming giant asked people on their social media to pick between books and movies.
Responding to the Netlfix’s question, Chetan Bhagat wrote, “My books, and the movies based on them,” however, the Decoupled star R Madhavan said he’s more biased towards films than books, to which Chetan replied, “Have you ever heard anyone ever say the movie is better than the book?”
R Madhavan wrote, “YES! 3 Idiots,” the film, in which the actor played one of the lead roles, was based on Chetan Bhagat’s book Five Point Someone. To this, the real-life author writes, “You’re flaunting 3 Idiots to ME? Don’t try to preach to the choir, maybe you should go actually read my books.”
YES! 3 Idiots🤩🤩🤣🤣🙏 https://t.co/gciVNcobiA
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) December 20, 2021
Later, the Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein star asked the author then why did he act in his Netflix film if he’s more biased towards books. Chetan wrote, “HAHAHAHAHA, what an unsubtle plug, maybe it’s just me, I prefer a Pulitzer over a pan masala branded award show,” while the actor retaliated with, “Well I prefer the 300 Crore Club over Bestseller.”
Well I prefer the 300 Crore Club over Bestseller.😂😂😂 https://t.co/PA6f7pz0oe
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) December 20, 2021
Meanwhile, R Madhavan and Chetan Bhagat ended their spat on a good note, as the author wrote, “WOW if this was your writing test, I’d say you passed. But honestly what did you think about my Netflix debut?” while the actor wrote, “I would say just like your books, you are also better on the big screen! Hahahahaha.. actually you were Brilliant bro.”
I would say just like your books, you are also better on the big screen! Hahahahaha.. actually you were Brilliant bro. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏😄😄😄 https://t.co/NziHuMWQte
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) December 20, 2021
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