Kabir Khan’s 83, starring Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev, is all set to hit cinemas this week and is making headlines for one or the other thing. While recently the makers were in the news for a legal case, a new report reveals how much the makers paid the winning team for their stories.
As per the report, Reliance Entertainment has reportedly shelled out approximately Rs. 15 cr. to the winning team. Read on to know all the details including how much Kapil Dev made from it.
In a recent conversation with Bollywood Hungama, an industry insider revealed details about the makers acquiring the acquisition rights for 83. The insider said, “Before making the film it is important to acquire the rights of the subject and the individual stories of the players the film is based on, especially when it revolves around real-life people of incidents.”
Talking about how much the makers of 83 spent to acquire the rights, the industry insider added, “Keeping this in mind, Reliance Entertainment has paid the original winning team of the 1983 World Cup approximately Rs. 15 cr., while Kapil Dev, who led the team to victory, walked away with the lion’s share of around Rs. 5 cr. for his go-ahead”.
While this report suggests that the Ranveer Singh starrer paid about Rs 15 crore to the original team, it also revealed that it was made on a budget of approximately Rs. 125 cr.
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Starring Ranveer Singh as Kapil Dev, the film also stars Deepika Padukone as his wife Romi Bhatia, Pankaj Tripathi, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Saqib Saleem, Jatin Sarna, Chirag Patil, Dinker Sharma, Nishant Dahiya, Harrdy Sandhu and others. The Kabir Khan directorial is slated to release on December 24.
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