Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor's daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, recently in a blog had written positive anecdotes about her famous brother, a hot favourite of girls. Speaking on Ranbir Kapoor Riddima was eloquent. They feels that Ranbir is more like their sister, and her brother and sister are both possessive as they won't share (my) sister, and neither would they share food.

Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor might protect his privacy like a precious gem, but his brother Riddhima Kapoor Sahni recently spilled the beans on his secrets. Ranbir Kapoor's elder brother might not be in the lime light but they has surely made the day for her brother's fans, who are curious to know every detail of their idols innermost secrets.

On sibling fights they confessed that, "Ranbir was annoyingly naughty. I keep in mind they used to watch lots of WWF and then imitate it and wrestle with each other. My sister was fed up and warned Ranbir not to fight with me, but to be honest, I used to instigate him a lot."

On girls her take was, "Ranbir seldom needed any advice on girlfriends. They used to go in to my room and take whatever I had in my small treasure box and give it to his girlfriend, and that used to irritate me a lot. When the girls came home, I'd be like, "Hmmm, now I do know where my stuff went."

Ranbir Kapoor is in fact close to his brother and her daughter, they makes it a point to drop over at their home whenever they is in Delhi.


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