Actor Kirti Kulhari has now made a niche for herself in the acting world. Not just films, she has managed to create a space for herself in the digital arena too. But it wasn’t a simple ride for the actor who took time to break through. Before she made her debut in 2010, she was signed in for a South film in 2009 and was dropped out suddenly and she was also battling depression then.
In her recent interview, Kirti spoke about a phase when she was losing everything around 2009. She recalls how she bagged a South Indian film and how she was randomly dropped out and never called back. Read on to know everything you should about the same and everything that Kriti has to say.
Talking about the same to Hindustan Times, Kirti Kulhari said, “There was one time that I specifically remember where I was just losing everything. It was around 2009. I had bagged a south Indian film and it so happened that in my personal life, I was going through the worst time I have ever had in my life. I was going through depression. I remember when that was happening and I got this film, I went for a photo shoot for the film. After I came back from it, these guys never called me to come and shoot with them.”
Kirti Kulhari added, “I was replaced. I didn’t realise it then. I don’t know if I was looking like s**t but I was just so not in my elements that I guess people could just see it. I was just replaced overnight. That, in addition to what I was going through personally, just shook me up in a way… It first made me feel like it’s the end. Like, there is no coming out of this and I am going to stay here, and this is what my life is going to be. It was that scary.”
Kirti Kulhari was recently seen in Shaadisthan. Stay tuned to Koimoi for more!
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