Sidharth Shukla is a lover boy. The actor has grabbed all the attention amid his stint in Bigg Boss 14. Recently, we saw the makers giving a task to female contestants where they had to woo their ‘toofani senior.’ Nikki Tamboli, Pavitra Punia, Jasmin Bhasin and others even received backlash for their acts. Now, Gauahar Khan is the latest in the list. Shehnaaz Gill, beware!
Last week, we saw Sidharth flirt with Nikki. During a chit chat alongside Jasmin Bhasin and Gauahar Khan, the former duo even confessed that they were each other’s type. However, it was all a joke. But it seems, Shukla isn’t getting rid of his naughty side anytime soon.
During the latest episode, Sidharth Shukla ended up using a pickup line for Gauahar Khan. Actually, it all began as the Begum Jaan actress prepared tea for herself as well as Sidharth. As she was serving the tea for both of them, the Bigg Boss 13 contestant said, “aap aise chaai laakar dengi, khaana dengi laake, mujhe pyaar ho jaayega phir.” (If you serve me tea and food like this to me, I’ll fall in love with you.)
Gauahar Khan’s reaction? She just smiles. Upon this, Sidharth Shukla ends up teasing her with boyfriend Zaid Darbar. For the unversed, Khan and Zaid have been quite active on social media. The duo keeps sharing pictures as well as dance videos with each other. It seems Sidharth has done his homework well and knows it all! But what he may have forgotten is that Shehnaaz Gill may not be very happy watching all of this.
Zaid Darbar’s father in a recent interview even confirmed their relationship. He mentioned how the family loves Gauahar and the two look adorable together.
Coming back to Bigg Boss 14, Sara Gurpal ended up being the first contestant to be evicted from the house. It was a mutual decision made by the seniors – Hina Khan, Sidharth Shukla and Gauahar Khan. The decision was however not so mutual. While Sidharth maintained that Sara did not have it in her, Hina and Gauahar felt otherwise.
The trio then came to a mutual understanding mentioning that next time, it will be Hina and Gauahar who will get to make the choice in case of a similar situation.
Must Read: Bigg Boss 14: Ex-Contestant Asim Riaz Offered A Rs 50 Crore Deal To Appear On The Show?
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