Yesterday, we saw Pooja Bhatt requesting people to help Bollywood actor Faraaz Khan in his treatment. Khan is battling for his life after he suffered multiple seizures. While the fundraiser has collected some amount to help, the latest report suggests that Salman Khan has come ahead and paid Faraaz’s hospital bills. Below are all the details.
After Faraaz’s family members Farhad Abousher and Ahmed Shamoon shared the details of his health on a fundraising platform, many people took notice of it. Pooja Bhatt happened to be the first one from the fraternity to come ahead and ask help for Khan.
In her tweet, Pooja wrote, “Please share and contribute if possible. I am. Would be grateful if any of you can as well”. It seems like the news has managed to reach others too. As per Kashmera Shah, Salman Khan has paid the hospital bills for Faraaz Khan.
Kashmera took to her Instagram handle to announce the same. Praising Salman Khan for his help, Shah wrote, “You are truly a great Human Being. Thank you for taking care of Faraaz Khan and his medical bills. Actor Faraaz Khan of Fareb game is in critical condition, and Salman has stood by his side and helped him like he helps so many others. I am and will always remain a true admirer. If people don’t like this post, I don’t care. You have a choice to unfollow me. This is what I think and fee. I think he is the most genuine person I have ever met in this film industry @beingsalmankhan.”
Meanwhile, so far Faraaz Khan’s fundraiser has managed to collect approximately 7 Lakhs. The Mehendi actor was suffering from a chest infection and cough for a very long time. But it escalated to worse in the past weeks.
On the fundraiser platform, Faraaz Khan’s family in their statement wrote, “The doctor saw his condition and recommended that he gets himself admitted to a hospital as his cough was quite intense and to prevent any further infection, hospitalisation was the best thing to do”.
The family members also revealed that Faraaz suffered seizures thrice while he was been shifted to the hospital in Bangalore. Talking about the reason Faraaz Khan’s family said, “The seizures were due to herpes infection in his brain that had spread from his chest. He was put in the ICU care where after a series of complicated procedures and heavy antibiotics he was brought to stability”.
Faraaz Khan is still critical and fighting for life in the ICU. As per the doctors, he will be kept under critical care for over 10 days. The entire treatment costs around 25 Lakhs. We pray for Faraaz’s speedy recovery.
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