Only recently, Gaurav Chopra had taken to his Instagram to announce that his mother passed away after a three-year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. The actor and his family were still mourning and the news of both his parents testing positive for Coronavirus broke out a few days prior to her death. Just 10 days after his mother passed away, Gaurav Chopra’s father lost his battle to COVID-19. Swatantra Chopra had tested positive while taking care of his wife in Delhi as she was admitted in the hospital for her cancer treatment.
Gaurav Chopra took to his Instagram to announce the tragic news of his father’s passing and said that it is a void that no amount of time will ever fill. He penned a heartfelt note for his father and called him his idol and hero. He wrote, “She left us on the 19th and he did on the 29 th.. 10 days ..and they're both gone.. A void , vacuum that no amount of time will ever fill...”
Take a look at Gaurav Chopra’s post.
Sending across heartfelt condolences to the actor and his family.
Also Read: Gaurav Chopra’s mother passes away due to cancer
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