Shraddha Kapoor who is quite active on Instagram with over a whopping 51.7 Million followers took to the photo-video sharing app to share the changes that she has made in life keeping nature in mind. Along with that the actress also shared a video in which one gets to see Shraddha nursing an injured crow.
Taking to Instagram, Shraddha Kapoor spoke about the changes she has implemented in her life in order to contribute her bit to nature. Along with it, she also posted a video in which she is treating the bird.
“Making changes within myself for planet earth and mother nature. Been using a bamboo toothbrush (as an alternative to plastic ones), having bucket baths, using alternatives to single-use plastic water bottles like copper, glass, and reusable bottles. Trying also to look out for stray animals, turning vegetarian last July 21st, a year ago. I hope I continue on this journey of working on myself to love our planet and it’s animals more,” Shraddha Kapoor wrote.
Reacting to the post, a user commented: “So proud of you. Keep it coming and inspiring us.”
Another one wrote: “More power to you.”
Speaking on the work front, Shraddha Kapoor who was last seen in action-thriller Baaghi 3 opposite Tiger Shroff in lead.
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