On June 21, on the ocassion of Father's Day, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma had announced his next film titled Murder. The film is based on a caste killing that took place in 2018 in Telangana's Miryalaguda. Pranay Kumar was murdered by his wife Amrutha's father Maruti Tao and uncle Shravan Kumar.
However, now after nearly two weeks of the announcement the filmmaker has landed in legal trouble. Pranav's family has approached the court stating that Ram Gopal Varma's film Murder could affect Pranay's murder. In response to Pranay's father Balaswamy's petition, the Nalgonda Special SC/ST court has ordered Miryalaguda police to file a case against the filmmaker.
Following this, Ram Gopal Varma took to twitter and in a series of tweets defended himself. Sharing the poster of the film, he wrote, "With regard to media speculations on the case filed on my film MURDER ,I once again want to reiterate that my film is based and inspired from a true incident and it is not the truth ..Also there’s no mention of anyone’s caste in the film."
With regard to media speculations on the case filed on my film MURDER ,I once again want to reiterate that my film is based and inspired from a true incident and it is not the truth ..Also there’s no mention of anyone’s caste in the film pic.twitter.com/apiT6rKJDn
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) July 5, 2020
"With regard to the case filed on the basis of uninformed speculations,our advocates will give an appropriate reply as required by law," he further wrote.
With regard to the case filed on the basis of uninformed speculations,our advocates will give an appropriate reply as required by law pic.twitter.com/Fa6qQbFh84
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) July 5, 2020
"I specifically mentioned that I have no intention to demean or degrade anyone and my film is just a creative work based on a subject which is in the public domain ..But as a citizen who respects the law i too will proceed legally to protect my fundamental rights," he added.
I specifically mentioned that I have no intention to demean or degrade anyone and my film is just a creative work based on a subject which is in the public domain ..But as a citizen who respects the law i too will proceed legally to protect my fundamental rights pic.twitter.com/61PlT8kUBW
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) July 5, 2020
Back when Ram Gopal Varma had announced the film, he was criticised for glorifying caste murder as 'father's love'.
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