In a tragic turn of event, Marathi actor Ashutosh Bhakre, husband of Khulta Kali Khulena fame Mayuri Deshmukh died by suicide on Wednesday in his Nanded residence. The reason for him taking such an extreme step is yet unknown. The news has sent shock waves across industries. Read on to know more.
As per reports, Mayuri Deshmukh and their family were at home when it happened. It is being said that Mayuri was in a conversation with the mother-in-law when Ashutosh Bhakre took their leave saying he wants to sleep.
After hours, when the 32-Year-old actor did not wake up, the family started knocking the door. While there was no response from the other side of the locked door, they peeped in from the window and found him hanging. Ashutosh Bhakre was then rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead on arrival.
The reason for him taking the step is unknown, but reports claim that the actor was battling depression. Ashutosh and wife Mayuri Deshmukh went to Nanded to spend the Lockdown with family. The couple has been married for four years; they tied the knot in January 2016.
Reacting to the news, Ashutosh Bhakre and Mayuri Deshmukh’s close friend Ketaki Palav in a TOI report, said, “I am not in a condition to discuss anything about it, so I can understand what Mayuri must be going through. I had attended their wedding also. Ashutosh, I and Mayuri we were really close to each other, so it is really painful news for me. I can’t even express my feelings now”.
Ashutosh Bhakre is survived by his wife, a brother and his parents. Our deepest condolences with the family and we pray that the soul rests in peace.
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