There were reports recently that Mahesh Bhatt’s Sadak 2 starring Alia Bhatt, Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanjay Dutt, and Pooja Bhatt will not hit the cinemas but will release on OTT cinemas directly. Amid the ongoing pandemic, it’s still unknown when the cinemas will open and how much time the audience will take to feel safe in returning to theatres. It’s being said that all these uncertainties have made the producers sacrifice their theatrical revenue and release Sadak 2 digitally only.
Now the latest development is that filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt plans to get back on the sets in the July first week to shoot a pending song of the film.
As per the Bollywood Hungama report, only one special song in Sadak 2 is pending to be shot and the rest of the film has already been filmed. Reportedly, all four stars of the film were supposed to shoot this song in Ooty earlier. However, due to the pandemic, it didn’t happen. Now Bhatt is planning to shoot the song in Mumbai only.
The entertainment portal has also reported that Mahesh Bhatt has got a go-ahead from Film City and the team is currently determining which studio they can shoot in. They will also need to build a small set for the song in the studio only.
Sadak 2 is the sequel to Mahesh Bhatt’s 1991 cult classic film Sadak starring Sanjay Dutt and Pooja Bhatt. Back in that time, Sadak was a huge one and it’s sequel carries huge expectations especially because it marks the comeback of the filmmaker as a director.
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