Kartik Aaryan is a vegetarian and loves animals like no one else. The actor took to his social media to express his dismay over a festival that brings cruelty towards dog. Kartik shared a picture which he had shot for an animal-welfare organization and his caption reads, "Har saal dil todte hain yeh Yulin Festival waale ???? #StopYulin #YulinKMKB."
The actor is one of the first Indian celebrities to raise his voice against this festival that happens annually in Yulin, China. Every year innumerable four-legged pets are slaughtered as a part of the festival. This festival is seen as a cruelty tradition worldwide and some even term it as inhumane as its fatal for dogs.
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Har saal Dil Todte hain yeh Yulin Festival waale ???? #YulinKMKB #StopYulin
On the work front, Kartik Aaryan will be next starring Dostana 2 and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2.
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