The adult film star, Sunny Leone, bagged an entry to Bollywood through her stint in Bigg Boss, we all know that! The lady who appeared in the season 5 of the India’s controversial reality Television show has now become a familiar face in the industry. All thanks to her performance in Bigg Boss which encourage the filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt to sign her for his next film. Sunny made her Bollywood debut with Mahesh Bhatt’s erotic thriller ‘Jism 2.’ She is now ready to present her next adult comedy ‘Mastizaade’ which would hit the theatres on January 29, 2016.
As the platform of Bigg Boss has become a powerful tool for promotions, Sunny will also take a tour to Bigg Boss to promote ‘Mastizaade.’ The lady already entered the Bigg house and she is going to spend some time in the house with the contestants. Being a veteran of this show, Sunny will also be seen sharing some advice with the contestants. It would be exciting to watch Sunny reminiscing her days in the house of Bigg Boss.
Sunny Leone shared her excitement on Twitter with a post which read,
Apart from Sunny Leone, her co-stars Tusshar Kapoor and Aftab Shivdasani will also be seen on the show.