Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is at present shooting for his upcoming biopic Dangal. The Perfectionist has chosen a small village in Punjab as the ideal location to shoot for the biopic on the wrestler Mahavir Phogat that is being depicted by him onscreen.
Aamir Khan has been working hard to get the right look to depict the role, he has even managed to gain abundant weight too. Now Aamir Khan and the ‘Dangal’ team is all set to shift to a village named Dango, located in the Ludhiana district to continue with the shoot of the film.
The village in question is also the ancestral village of actor Dharmendra. When the PK actor found about the sleepy little viallges Bollywood connect he immediatly called on the veteran actor to give the news, soon the two were sharing anecdotes and the plot of the film too. Aamir has promised to hold a special screening of Dangal for Dharmendra.
‘Dangal’, which also stars Sakshi Tanwar, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Sanya Malhotra among others and is slated to release on December 23, 2016.