Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's "Bajrangi Bhaijaan" is proving its mettle at box office & is continuously breaking old records. The film had collected Rs.197 crore in eight days since its release on July 17 & is expected to go more than Rs.200 crore Golden mark on Saturday. After Earning Rs.184 crore in its first week, the Kabir Khan directed film continued its magic run on Friday by collecting Rs.13.15 crore, thus taking its gross total to Rs.197.77 crore, the spokesperson of the film said. 

The film has already left behind Aamir Khan's "PK" (Rs.183.09 crore) & Shah Rukh Khan's "Happy New Year" (Rs.157 crore) in first week and may get to the mark  of Rs.200 crore on Saturday, according to trade analyst Taran Adarsh.


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